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I agree to give my consent on the 27th Jul 2024 to:

  1. MegoEvent’s Terms of Service and privacy policies including those published on their corporate websites. (MegoMega Pte Ltd, its related corporations and its associates - collectively known as “MeGoEvent”.)

  1. Allowing MeGoEvent to collect, use, process and/or disclose my information for events and activities not limited to updates on activities/events, advertising/marketing products and services, making connections/introductions within the MegoEvent community (including to MegoEvent’s affiliates/partners). 

  1. Be responsible for the booth during the event date, including

    1. Moderation of all content and interactions within the Virtual Platform for the duration of the event

    2. To participate in the after-event survey.

  1. Agree not to hold MeGoEvent and MeGoMega Pte Ltd liable for the following but not limited to client-side connectivity, issues, delays, and misrepresentation.